This is a lovely time of the year in Carnaby Reserve and if you walk through you will be amazed at how quickly the bush has recovered with the benefit of rain. June onwards is the best time to establish new plants so we are hopeful that the 30+ planted inside the new fence on Fairway Circle will grow strong and healthy.
According to the Nyoongar calendar we are now in Djiba – the time of second rains usually cold with clear days combined with warmer, rainy and windy days. Also the time for yellow flowering plants – Acacias and Hibbertia.
As we start another exciting few months of bush care I would like to thank the members of the friends group i.e. Robyn, Roger, Jacquie, Anne B, Maureen, Rick, Don, Wendy, Mitchell and Kaye for their dedication, support, knowledge and many, many hours of hand weeding, also our contractor Andrew for his effort and outstanding photography.
The 300+ seedlings planted in the northern section last August are also benefiting from the prolonged heavy showers. Many Greenhoods are 20cm (12inches) tall already which may indicate a very good year for our native orchids. August and September are the best months for spotting them in the reserve and from the paths in and around St Michae’ls Park.
Heavy rain is always welcome after a dry autumn, but weeds and perennial grasses love it too, which makes for extra work for the friends group and will keep us busy until December.
If you have a spare hour or two on a Wednesday afternoon or a Sunday morning, please feel free to join us.
Details of meeting time and place will be on our Facebook page (Friends of Carnaby Reserve) and Connolly Residents’ Association Facebook Page.