Spring has sprung with so many colours to be seen as you stroll through the paths of the reserve. The welcome rains and the many hours spent weeding by our dedicated bush care volunteers and our contract weeder Andrew, have ensured a wonderous display of wildflowers and greenery.
From the sunny yellow of the Wattles and Hibbertia, to the pinks of the Swan River Myrtle and the bright white of the dainty Milkmaids it makes for an interesting and relaxing walk. It is pleasing to observe plentiful healthy new growth and numerous seedlings. Photos shown are a taster of the diversity that abounds in our relatively small but fertile bushland reserve and reflects why the colour Yellow is so predominant at this time of year. As the weather becomes warmer, remember to watch out for our Bobtails that are now active and may be seen on our local roads and sunning themselves on pathways in the reserve. This reminds us also to be aware and to be on the lookout for snakes that are known to reside in the Reserve.
Should you have any queries or concerns regarding the reserve or if you would like to assist with our bush care duties, please contact: Ann 9301 5370 or Robyn 0431 862 091 Email: tyrglanyrafon@hotmail.com