Why Join the Connolly Residents’ Association Inc.
Our success is achieved by a strong community voice.
Your membership will help us to continue make improvements to our suburb of Connolly and ensure your voice is heard when it comes to important matters raised to Connolly land holders and our important stakeholders and organisations that are part of the Connolly Community.
Only $5 for 1 year or $10 for 2 years, per household is all it costs!
Benefits of joining include
- Membership entitles your household to vote and be heard on issues or motions put forward by Connolly Residents’ Association Inc.
- Attend monthly meetings and meet other members of the Connolly Residents Association family.
- The Connolly Residents Association will listen to your suggestions, proposed improvements and concerns raised to the committee.
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- Celebrate at the annual Christmas Party, only open to financial members. Includes drinks and finger food.
- Be part of a community working together to improvement the lifestyle we enjoy in Connolly
Our Achievements to Date
- Securing funds from the sale of the golf course which was open public space for the residents of Connolly .
- Negotiated with the City of Joondalup to build the Connolly Community Centre.
- Financial grants to young achievers.
- Funding to help paint the fences on fairway circle and other major roads in Connolly to a standard Connolly Green colour.
- Successfully petitioned for the naming of Carnaby Reserve with the City of Joondalup.
- Connolly Links magazine to be distributed to every house in Connolly every two months.
- Committee and Members were involved in the successful lobbying to the State Government to lower the height of the Mitchell Freeway Extension, also part of the Community Reference Groups involved in the decision making and were successful in retaining the bushland alongside the freeway and the creation of a new reserve. (Now known as Carnaby Reserve).
- Organised with the City of Joondalup for the entry signs at Marmion,Hodges Drive and Shenton Ave.
- Continually work close with the City of Joondalup to improve verges, signage and other areas.
- Creating and funding the New Connolly Website.

The Membership Applicant certifies that they have reached the age of 18 years, are a permanent resident of the suburb of Connolly and support the objects and purposes of the Association.
Manual Membership Application: Forms from the Connolly Links will still be accepted. However, you will need to hand deliver the completed form and payment in an envelope, addressed to the Connolly Residents Association, to the friendly staff at Pharmacy 777, Connolly Shopping Centre for collection weekly by our Membership Secretary.
Thanks for your application of membership! Once we have received your application and payment you will receive notification from our membership secretary within 7 days.
Privacy Policy: We are committed to protecting the privacy of any personal information that you provide to us, and we only collect personal information from you that is necessary for our membership records. Any personal information that we collect will not be disclosed to any person who is not a member of our Committee of Management.