Friends of Carnaby Reserve

Carnaby Reserve

The Reserve, despite the lack of summer showers, is looking healthy. Several Banksia Prionotes (Acorn Banksia) are lighting up an area just north of the kissing gate, and providing nectar for insects, birds and small mammals, then as flowers develop and seeds form, food is created for our own black Carnaby Cockatoo.

The species is named after Sir Joseph Banks, an explorer and botanist who sailed on the Endeavour between 1768-1771. Although his discoveries in Western Australia were not recorded, many Banksia were discovered and sketched in the Northern Territory and New South Wales.

We have five different Banksia in the Reserve, the most abundant being B.Sessilis (above), the parrot bush, which is a low growing prostrate shrub regenerated by seed. B. Menziesii (firewood), B. Attenuata (candlestick) and B. Lindleyana (porcupine), are trees which can grow as tall as 25 meters. They are the ultimate natural food for native wild life, especially in winter when other food types are scarce.

Last year we welcomed two new members to our Friends group. Mitchell and Kaye – thank you. The whole group have appreciated your effort, knowledge and expertise. Our Wednesday afternoon group is now large enough ,but if anyone is interested and can join
us on a Sunday morning (8am), they would be welcome too. Gloves and protective clothing are provided as well as coffee and cake.Add Block

Banksia Attenuata, Candlestick
Banksia Sessillis, Parrot Bush
Banksia prionotes, Acorn Banksia
Banksia Menziesii, Firewood
Banksia Lindleyana, Porcupine

Last year we welcomed two new members to our Friends group. Mitchell and Kaye – thank you. The whole group have appreciated your effort, knowledge and expertise. Our Wednesday afternoon group is now large enough ,but if anyone is interested and can join
us on a Sunday morning (8am), they would be welcome too. Gloves and protective clothing are provided as well as coffee and cake.

A reminder that all dogs should be on a lead in the Reserve. It is an offence not to pick up after your dog. Poo bags are provided at the kissing gate, Fairway Park and by the Primary school. It would be appreciated if bags are placed in bins and NOT discarded or thrown into bushland.